- Job related stress: Your job is unique and stressful. You will see in one shift more carnage, destruction and devastation than most people see in a life time. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a common occurrence in fire service personnel. Your Chief and Captain will be looking out for your physical and emotional well being. Let them know you need to call the Chaplain or you can call the chaplain without notice and confidentially.
On the Scene: As a first responder you are on the scene as it unfolds. Should you feel it would be beneficial for the victim or their family to have a Chaplain with them, please discuss it with your Incident Commander. This includes times when bystanders are impacted by what they have seen.
Human Stressors: There are multiple occasions and reasons for when your Chaplain can step in to support your efforts so you can go back to work.
Death Notifications: The Chaplain is trained in proper death notifications protocols and is willing to accompany any first responder in the event the Medical Examiner does not do that. Tradition in Ventura County is that notifications are made by the ME. The Chaplain will act as a liaison to the victim’s family minister and will wait with the family until the minister or additional family arrives.
Taking Care of Our Own: We truly pray a tragedy never occurs resulting in a line of duty death. If we do, the Chaplain will be there for the fire department family and family of the deceased. A full fire department funeral may be offered. The Chaplain will be willing to officiate alone or in conjunction with the family minister or in standby position only.
Hospital Visits, Victim Follow-Ups and Family Support. You know well the varied nature of the 911 call and the human side behind the incident. Call me anytime. I’m generally not far away and love providing the ministry of presence, encouragement and consolation.